ELERTS See Say™ is One of the Few Mobile Apps to Meet FEMA’s National Preparedness Guidelines

November 8, 2013

FEMA-authorized testing confirms that ELERTS smartphone-based reporting and security app complies with National Incident Management System (NIMS) standards.

ELERTS Corp., a leader in smartphone emergency communication systems announced that its ELERTS See Say™ products for iPhone and Android are now deemed compliant with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Preparedness Directorate (FEMA NPD) benchmarks.
NIMS is an important standard for Emergency Management because it provides the policies for how groups within the private and public sectors should plan, organize, train, and equip themselves in the event of a disaster or national security threat. Now that ELERTS See Say meets the NIMS requirements, public and private organizations may confidently add ELERTS to their operations and preparedness toolkits, and seamlessly communicate with the masses via their smartphones.
ELERTS See Say is an incident reporting, alert and notification system designed for deployment across academic and corporate campuses. Persons using the ELERTS app can quickly convey safety and security concerns to authorities by submitting a report with text, photos and GPS location of the incident. The ELERTS app underwent rigorous testing through the FEMA Preparedness-Technology, Analysis, and Coordination (P-TAC) Center that includes an emergency operations test environment and the Incident Management Test and Evaluation Laboratory (IMTEL), an American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) accredited laboratory.

The testing, which was conducted as part of FEMA’s Supporting Technology Evaluation Project (STEP), confirms that ELERTS See Say emergency communication solution is consistent with all NIMS criteria: Emergency Support; Hazards; Preparedness; Communications and Information Management; Resource Management; and Command and Management.

“This is an important milestone for ELERTS, as it confirms that our emergency communication platform addresses all of the industry criteria, and is flexible enough to adapt to any circumstance in the user environment,” said Ed English, CEO of ELERTS. “Very few companies have received this recognition. When choosing a solution for people to communicate safety and security concerns, it is reassuring to know the product supports FEMA NIMS standards.”

ELERTS See Say is an intuitive yet powerful communication tool that enables organizations to see what people on the street are witnessing. First responders are rarely the first observers of trouble, which is why it is important that individuals become the first line of defense—relaying information and images to local authorities.

Empowered with the ELERTS app, smartphone users have the ability to submit incident reports, and dispatchers can engage with the person by initiating a two-way chat conversation.

On the dispatcher side, the ELERTS EPICenter console manages incoming reports and can also broadcast alerts to all– or to a select group– of users. Alerts may include photos, maps and text instructions. With its ability to leverage a cloud-based infrastructure and run on ubiquitous mobile devices, ELERTS is gaining industry recognition as the company that provides people with the right tool for the wrong situations.

For more information on ELERTS See Say:

ELERTS Smartphone Solution for Schools

ELERTS Smartphone Solution for Corporate Campuses

State and local organizations must adopt NIMS to receive Federal preparedness assistance (through grants, contracts, and other activities).

For more information on NIMS:

The National Incident Management System Powerpoint

ELERTS NIMS Compliance Test Results by FEMA


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Preparedness Directorate (NPD) offers a project to assist the response community with interoperability Test and Evaluation (T&E). The Preparedness-Technology, Analysis, and Coordination (P-TAC) Center manages the Supporting Technology Evaluation Project (STEP), which conducts T&E of technologies relating to incident management and response. T&E activities verify interoperability of commercial and government software and hardware products and provide the response community with reports to support purchasing decisions.

National Incident Management System (NIMS) identifies concepts and principles that answer how to manage emergencies from preparedness to recovery regardless of their cause, size, location or complexity. NIMS provides a consistent, nationwide approach and vocabulary for multiple agencies or jurisdictions to work together to build, sustain and deliver the core capabilities needed to achieve a secure and resilient nation.


ELERTS is on the cutting-edge of emergency response software. The company’s Internet-based approach leverages an interactive smartphone app that enables bidirectional communication between multiple parties. The mobile technology supports images, video, and geo-mapping technology, integrated with real-time alerts and crowd-sourced reports. The result is actionable information for emergency situations—making first responders faster responders.


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