Resource Library | Case Studies
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Combating Operator Assaults with Crowdsourced Incident Reporting

February 22, 2024

Having the driver’s back by locating and addressing aggressive behavior before attacks take place. Combating Operator Assaults Through Early Awareness Transportation authorities have an opportunity to reduce the number of attacks on workers through an early detection system that leverages the traveling public. Attacks on transit workers are usually preceded by strong indicators that things are about to get real…

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May 16, 2022

Fast Facts: Downtown Dallas The homeless population in Dallas and Collin counties grew about nine percent YoYNegative social media posts declined by 90 percent after the community was made aware of the availability of See Say Now.See Say Now users in Downtown Dallas send hundreds of helpful reports each month For Downtown Dallas, Inc. (DDI), the ELERTS See Say® reporting…

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Crowdsourced Situational Awareness

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