ELERTS adds DELCOM USB LED lights to ELERTS incident management console

September 14, 2016

“The most important thing about notifications is to be noticed.”

(Weymouth, MA) September 12, 2016 – ELERTS Corp. announced today a new tool in the toolkit for police and security dispatchers: DELCOM USB LED strobe light notifications with the ELERTS incident management console.

Dispatch rooms can be noisy environments with multiple dispatchers working to overcome distractions from a variety of equipment in use. ELERTS, a leader in emergency notification systems centered on crowd-sourced input from smartphone users and SMS text-a-tip users, discovered that its customers wanted a more visible way to alert dispatchers to an incoming report.

BeaconSBlue x200ELERTS customers can now attach a DELCOM USB LED light to the computer that manages the incoming incident reports submitted by ELERTS smartphone app users. When ELERTS software driver detects a new incoming incident report, the LED light will strobe brightly and emit a beeping sound to attract the dispatcher’s attention.

“Our customers, including 7 of the 50 busiest US transit systems, work in multi-tasking, visually busy and audibly noisy environments,” said Ed English, ELERTS CEO. “Some customers asked for an additional way to get the attention of operators. This is an excellent way to add visibility so that an operator can promptly respond to the incident report.”

The light is bright enough to catch the attention of a dispatcher from across a room. It will also help hearing-impaired security personnel, who may be better served by a visual indication of a new report. The dispatcher can ask the smartphone user for an update on the incident or provide other instructions. After the incident is closed in the console, the DELCOM LED light returns to its normal “off” state.

With the addition of DELCOM USB LED lights, ELERTS continues its history of integrating with third-party peripherals to enhance the overall security communication systems it provides.

Contact ELERTS for more information about this illuminating enhancement.



ELERTS Corporation (http://www.elerts.com ), headquartered in Weymouth, MA, develops best-in-class emergency communication software, empowered by community-sourced reporting of safety and security concerns.  The company’s cloud-based approach leverages smartphone technologies to provide robust, bidirectional communication between multiple parties.  ELERTS mobile technology integrates with video surveillance, access control and mass-notification systems.  The result is actionable information for emergency situations — to help first responders become faster responders.


Crowdsourced Situational Awareness

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