“Not One More Girl” Campaign Success: BART Watch App Combats Sexual Harassment on Transit

May 12, 2022

For Immediate Release
Tuesday, April 26th, 2022

Media Contact
Chelsea Newburg

“Not One More Girl” Campaign Success:
BART Watch App Combats Sexual Harassment on Transit

The success of the BART Watch app’s new sexual harassment reporting tool is showcased in recently released data from the San Francisco transit agency’s groundbreaking “Not One More Girl” campaign.

The youth-led “Not One More Girl” campaign aims to bring awareness to sexual harassment on transit, reduce offenses, and improve the perception of safety on BART.

As part of the campaign, in March 2021, ELERTS added a new reporting category to the BART Watch App: unwanted sexual harassment (non-criminal.)

“As we emerge from the pandemic and transit ridership increases, safety reporting tools are essential,” says Ed English, CEO of ELERTS, “We are calling on every transit agency and airport in the country to take a page from BART’s book. Use the eyes and ears of your passengers to make a difference.”

ELERTS’ BART Watch app empowers riders to quickly, safely and discreetly report potential trouble. In 25 seconds or less, without making a phone call or using an emergency intercom, riders can report sexual harassment, suspected human trafficking, or any other safety concerns.

To date, nearly 30 sexual harassment incidents have been reported through ELERTS’ BART Watch app. According to the agency, many provided enough information to have officers immediately dispatched to check on the situation.

Examples of reports include:

  • “There is a group of men harassing women going down the stairs to BART.”
  • “This man has been staring at me and making sexual comments about me. Tried to grab me but others were around.”
  • “This man sitting in the back has been following me and constantly asking me questions and staring at me. I feel very uncomfortable and I’m just on my way home from school. Please have someone waiting for him at the West Oakland BART Station where I will get (off), and he will continue to follow me.”

The addition of the unwanted sexual harassment reporting category on the BART Watch app will allow the transit agency to collect data on how often and where sexual harassment happens. The agency has said that the data will guide their ongoing prevention and response strategies.


ELERTS is a Massachusetts-based software company that provides a mobile reporting platform for airports, mass transit, cities and other organizations. The company was founded in 2010 on the belief that while “See Something, Say Something” is easy to understand, it is too often not so easy to report a concern. By deploying mobile technology that enables crowd-sourced incident reporting, ELERTS is putting safety and security in the hands of smartphone users everywhere.

To learn more and schedule media interviews, contact ELERTS PR Specialist Chelsea Newburg at  cnewburg@elerts.com.



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