GPS Location is Automatically Identified on Incoming Reports

July 10, 2017

GPS-location-tracker-520x245The rider’s location is provided to the console operator with GPS map of location, photo, video, and incident description.

The GPS location is automatically identified. Police cannot respond if they are unable to identify where you are calling from. This ability sets ELERTS mobile reporting apps apart from the rest. First responders can respond with confidence – they know the location, removing any guesswork.

The app identifies the GPS location when a rider initiates a report. The report also includes photo/video and an incident description, all completed in less than twenty seconds.

Cell phones are almost everywhere, and riders are often the first to see an incident . Leveraging this opportunity to provide authorities with incident details as they arise is twenty-first-century policing at its finest.

For more product information, click here.  To request a demo, click here.  Call 877-256-1971 or email


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