NIMS-Tested by FEMA, ELERTS Communication System is Fully Compliant

June 26, 2017

ELERTS-government-flyer-2017-5FEMA tested ELERTS and rated it compliant with NIMS emergency protocol standards including Emergency Support, Hazards, Preparedness, Communications and Information Management, Resource Management, and Command and Management .

According to FEMA, “The  purpose of the NIMS is to provide a common approach for managing incidents. The concepts contained herein provide for a flexible but standardized set of incident management practices with emphasis on common principles, a consistent approach to operational structures and supporting mechanisms, and an integrated approach to resource management” (

“Incidents typically begin and end locally, and they are managed daily at the lowest possible geographical, organizational, and jurisdictional level. There are other instances where success depends on the involvement of multiple jurisdictions, levels of government, functional agencies, and/or emergency-responder disciplines. These instances necessitate effective and efficient coordination across this broad spectrum of organizations and activities. By using NIMS, communities are part of a comprehensive national approach that improves the effectiveness of emergency management and response personnel across the full spectrum of potential threats and hazards (including natural hazards, terrorist activities, and other human-caused disasters) regardless of size or complexity” (

NIMS is an important emergency standard, and proven compliance is a key advantage for ELERTS. We are committed to creating products that work with safety protocols to ensure the utmost  protection.

For more product information, click here.  To request a demo, click here.  Call 877-256-1971 or email



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