PSA from the Department of Homeland Security
October 28, 2017
Read moreOctober 28, 2017
Read moreOctober 26, 2017
Whether it’s perimeter breaches, weaponized computer laptops, bomb threats, terminal evacuations, rogue employees or active shooters, airport security is in the news weekly. Airports are targets. They face increasingly complex security concerns, declining security budgets and slow moving government roadmaps to modernize the security infrastructure. In other words, this is a perfect storm for disaster to strike. Airport security challenges…
Read moreOctober 25, 2017
What is great about See Something Say Something (SSSS) campaigns is how heavily they are advertised and promoted. Nearly everyone – especially in urban areas - has seen multiple posters, videos, TV commercials or heard audio public-service-announcements (PSA). SSSS is plastered all over airports and transit systems because public transportation is a known high-value target of terrorists. The SSSS…
Read moreOctober 24, 2017
The 911 emergency phone system is outdated. In 1874, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, allowing speech to be transmitted electronically over wires. His invention swept the world and homes and businesses everywhere installed telephones to communicate. If you wanted to speak to someone, you called their home or business and asked to speak to them. When the 911 emergency…
Read moreOctober 20, 2017
We’ve all seen them - those four footed heroes sniffing around airports, train stations and public events, a reminder that threats could arrive anytime. While we may want to reach out and pet the dogs, we know better - their vests and humans on the other end of the leash are a clear sign that these pups are on duty…
Read moreOctober 3, 2017
Free app enables bus riders to anonymously report concerns to authorities FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Weymouth, MA – October 3, 2017 - ELERTS Corp, the leading provider of See Something Say Something mobile apps for transit agencies, has announced that it developed Tri Delta Transit’s new Tri Delta Watch, a mobile security app to allow riders to notify police…
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