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ELERTS See Say™ SDK (software developer kit) brings See Something Say Something capability to third-party smartphone apps

April 25, 2016

DATELINE: WEYMOUTH, MA… ELERTS, a leader in mobile emergency response communication, announced that it is making its ELERTS See Something Say Something communication system available for other companies to integrate into their own iPhone or android apps. Third-party apps may leverage ELERTS cloud infrastructure and web-based report management console to effectively interact with their app users when a safety incident…

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ELERTS Event Alert™ app for Mac, Windows and Chromebook

November 30, 2015

ELERTS Event Alert™ app released for Mac, Windows and Chromebook ELERTS, a leader in mobile emergency response communication, recently launched computer versions of its ELERTS Event Alert™ app. The new apps enable school staff to use Apple Macintosh computers, Windows PCs and Chromebooks, in addition to their smartphones, to send and receive alerts in the event of suspicious persons or…

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How public transit customers can see something, say something

November 19, 2015

ELERTS crowd-sourced rider tips to keep transit systems safe (Weymouth, MA) November 19, 2015 — The attacks on Paris have registered sadly a lasting reminder that when you go out in public, seemingly calm environments can turn to chaos quickly. For those who use public transportation, it is important to be aware of the surroundings and suspicious behavior. Perhaps more…

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ELERTS safety app helps communicate during “active shooter” incidents

September 26, 2014

FBI study says active shooter events have more than doubled over the past seven years. (Weymouth, MA) September 26, 2014 -- During a shooting incident, seconds count. It can be difficult for police to receive real-time information about a shooter's location and actions. ELERTS, a leading provider of mobile emergency response software, offers EVENT ALERT, a safety app that can…

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ELERTS and Buffalo Bills announce new ‘See Something Say Something’ app for fans to report security concerns

September 9, 2014

Trouble-reporting app to improve security response at Ralph Wilson Stadium and in its parking lots The Buffalo Bills and ELERTS Corporation, a leading provider of mobile communication for emergency response, have entered into an agreement to provide the ELERTS Stadium app to Bills fans during the 2014 season. ELERTS develops mobile security solutions for mass transit, educational, corporate, and hospital…

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ELERTS empowers riders of San Francisco BART system with “See Something, Say Something” smartphone app

August 28, 2014

Transit riders keep each other safe with the launch of BART Watch™ app by ELERTS. San Francisco transit riders now have the ability to use the BART Watch™ app by ELERTS to discreetly report crime or suspicious activity to BART police. Successfully launched in Boston, Atlanta, Santa Clara and Buffalo/Niagara, ELERTS See Say communication system helps keep transportation systems safe,…

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ELERTS Receives Lenel Factory Certification Under Lenel’s OpenAccess Alliance Program

August 7, 2014

ELERTS Lock It Down and ELERTS EPICenter interface with the Lenel® OnGuard® access control and video platform Weymouth, MA. August 7, 2014 — ELERTS Corporation announced today that it has received factory certification from Lenel Systems International and joined the Lenel OpenAccess Alliance Program. ELERTS Lock It Down™ and ELERTS EPICenter™ are app-driven cloud-based solutions that interface with the OnGuard®…

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Governor’s Task Force on School Safety Reinforces Need that ELERTS Fills

July 21, 2014

“People not only need to be safe, they need to feel safe as well.” As a Massachusetts-based company, ELERTS has been particularly interested in the Task Force on School Safety and Security convened by Governor Deval Patrick earlier this year. With the issuance of their official Report this week, we see signs of encouragement in the attention being given to…

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Text-A-Tip Service Announced for Transit Customers

June 23, 2014

See-something, Text-something. Free Text-A-Tip service announced for transit customers ELERTS Corp., the leading provider of See Something, Say Something mobile apps for mass transit systems, announced free Text-A-Tip service for new ELERTS Transit customers who sign up before December 30. ELERTS Transit app works with iPhones and Android Smartphones. Riders use the app to submit reports containing photos, video, text…

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ELERTS Event Alert™ and ELERTS See Say™ Apps Drive School Safety Program at Dennis-Yarmouth

April 23, 2014

Weymouth, MA – ELERTS Corporation, a leader in emergency response communication, joins the Yarmouth Police Department and Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District in launching a comprehensive program that uses mobile technology to improve school security. ELERTS Event Alert is a communication platform that lets school personnel use their smartphones to report threatening or suspicious activities directly to local police. Designated staff…

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