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Join us at AAAE’s 90th Annual Conference

April 17, 2018

This week we'll be in booth 134 at AAAE's 90th Annual Conference in San Diego. Stop by and visit us to learn more about how ELERTS helps make airports safer. Airports have a multitude of concerns and responsibilities to keep their campus and operations safe and secure.  In addition to routine issues, airports face continuous and evolving threats from creative…

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See Say at the Boston Marathon

April 14, 2018

As the city of Boston welcomes 30,000 runners in the 2018 Boston Marathon, we take a look back at how the MBTA See Say app helped transit police in the aftermath of the bombing just five years ago. As large crowds across cities continue to be targets for terrorism and other crimes, we continue to work with transit agencies and…

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Transit Agency Best Practices: DART

March 26, 2018

ELERTS works with over 15 transit agencies throughout North America. While each agency has unique ways to promote their individual apps, we celebrate their efforts and share best practices to help all of our customers increase downloads and engage riders to increase safety. Today we take a look at Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART). The transit agency recently made a…

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Transit Agency Best Practices: SaCRT

March 8, 2018

ELERTS works with over 15 transit agencies throughout North America. While each agency has unique ways to promote their individual apps, we celebrate their efforts and share best practices to help all of our customers increase downloads and engage riders to increase safety. Recently, Sacramento Regional Transit District (SaCRT) issued this informative and entertaining video to educate riders on the…

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The Crucial Role of Airports and Transit Agencies in Stopping Human Trafficking

January 31, 2018

January was declared “National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month”, as the White House pledges to help end this horrific practice. Believe it or not, the selling and buying of humans is a crime inflicting over 22 million children worldwide according to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Corruption (UNDOC), and $32 billion-a-year global industry, according to the U.S. State Department. As many as 20…

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The 15:17 to Paris is a must-see for Transit Agencies

January 24, 2018

"To be effective, attacks should be launched against soft targets that cannot possibly be defended to any appreciable degree." - The 15:17 to Paris  Targets, in other words, like transits. At ELERTS, we believe in empowering every day citizens, who often become everyday heroes. There are people in transit every day - on trains, buses, airplanes and subways - who can…

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ELERTS In 16 North American Transit Agencies; Secures Video Patent

January 3, 2018

2017 was a successful and busy year for ELERTS. It was full of impactful news and milestones as we continued to partner with new transit agencies such as SEPTA, DART,  and Toronto's TTC, helping them to make it easy for riders to adhere to the See Something Say Something initiative. We now count 16 transits as customers, and are helping…

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Holidays A Time For Increased Vigilance And Public Safety Efforts

December 19, 2017

Ah, the holidays. A time of cheerful greetings and family reunions and people traveling and… increased concerns about security threats, especially in transits and airports. As much as we don’t want to think about it, the holiday season is often a time for increased vigilance and public safety efforts, as large crowds traveling to and fro make easy, impactful targets…

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Transit Agencies heighten security after NY Subway Attack

December 13, 2017

The NY subway bombing attempt was a vivid reminder that danger can appear suddenly in crowded environments. See Something Say Something, getting the public to report what they see or hear, is relied on by transit agencies and police to help keep the public safe. ELERTS See Say app is used by over 15 transits for crowdsourced incident reporting and…

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Why ELERTS Won Airport Shark Tank

December 11, 2017

We were excited when we received the call that we had been chosen to participate in The Airport Shark Tank at the 17th Annual AAAE / TSA / DHS Aviation Security Summit in Arlington, Virginia. Like our apps, we kept our presentation simple. We are passionate that ELERTS belongs in the airport threat and security ecosystem, and closes the gap in airport public…

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